Most people approach entering the New Year in the wrong way.

They think it’s all about how you start things, but what they miss is that it matters more how you END things in the previous year.

You don’t want to leave things unfinished, undone, or unsaid.

When you don’t make peace with what IS, you can’t move forward toward what you WANT.

When I began intentionally closing the year with a manifesting ceremony, my life felt more deliberate and I achieved many intentions I’d had for years!

I got pregnant effortlessly and had amazing home births, traveled to places I’ve always wanted to see, my business soared and abundance flowed in, I felt more passionately in love with my husband, and so much more!

So I invite you to set yourself up to thrive in 2020 by doing a New Year Manifesting Ceremony.

The last days of the year have long been recognized as an auspicious and sacred time to:

  • reflect and celebrate the year that has passed
  • release beliefs, habits and situations that are no longer serving you
  • set a clear vision and specific intentions for the year ahead
  • invite the powerful energy of attraction to manifest your desires

For years I have held live New Year Ceremonies and the participants raved about how incredible it was to step into the new year with so much clarity, hope and inspiration.

This year I’m also doing a live New Year Ceremony where I will guide you through this process – learn more here!

But if you can’t join me for the live ceremony, here is a guide for how to process, release and bless everything from 2019 and create massive clarity and an actionable focus to soar in 2020!

1. Download the New Year Ceremony workbook.

I’ve created a beautiful fillable PDF you can fill out digitally or print and write in so you can keep all of your reflections and visions in one place this year.

Download your free Manifesting Ceremony Workbook here.

2. Create A Sacred Space.

Select a time when you can focus on setting intentions without interruptions.

Choose an environment that is conducive for feeling inspired, safe and reverential. You could:

  • light a candle to illuminate the vision for the next year
  • burn some incense or sage to clear the space
  • gather angel or tarot cards, crystals or any other tools to connect with divine guidance
  • print out the New Year Manifesting Workbook and get a pen or have the workbook open on your computer so you can fill it out digitally

3. Center Yourself.

Meditate or just do some deep breathing for 5-10 minutes. Slow down your heart rate and drop into presence.

If you are gathering with friends, I recommend someone guiding everyone in a centering meditation.

4. Reflect On Intentions From 2019.

If you can read last year’s workbook, look at a vision board or remember your intentions for 2019, reflect and journal about them:

  • Have you achieved what you set out to accomplish in the last 12 months? If not, why not?
  • Did you live in alignment with your true intentions and priorities? If not, why?
  • What valuable personal and professional lessons have you learned?

Maybe you feel proud and powerful for making courageous choices. Or maybe you feel angry and frustrated for continuing outdated patterns.

All of it is perfectly okay.

Rest in Napoleon Hill’s wisdom that “Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed on an equal or greater benefit.”

(Can’t remember your intentions because you didn’t keep a handy-dandy workbook like the one you’re doing this year? Think about the things that are important to you and whether you are living in alignment with them.)

If others are doing the ceremony with you, share with each other 2-3 lessons you learned from the year.

And if you love fire, then write down 2-3 habits or beliefs that you are ready to release on a piece of paper and burn it. 

As it goes up in flames, know that the Universe heard your readiness to shift and will now fully support you in your desire!

5. Write Down 10 Highlights From This Year. 

If you want more to celebrate next year, then don’t forget to celebrate what’s gone well and what you’ve learned this year. Because whatever you focus on, will amplify.

They can be big achievements or more subtle magic moments. Remember how your successes felt and what made them so special.

And don’t forget to recount the lessons and growth you’ve had.

If you are doing the ceremony with others, share some of your highlights in all their juicy glory!

Focusing and re-living the most exciting and exhilarating times of your life is one of the most powerful ways of reprogramming your mindset.

Learn to a success score card, instead of a failure tab!

6. Declare What You Want Next Year.

I recommend writing down one intention for each area of your life. I find these goals to feel more powerful when I state them in present tense so that I feel like I’m already living my desires.

Here are five main areas to focus on: Health, Wealth, Relationships, Career, Personal Enrichment.

A great way to explore each topic is to free-write how you’d live if you had all the money, time and freedom you could want. 

Look over what you wrote and think of one goal for the year ahead that lights you up in each area.

Write these intentions down in the Manifesting Ceremony Workbook and rip out the page to keep somewhere visible throughout the year.

7. Choose A Theme For Next Year.

After you have reflected on where you’ve been and where you want to go, pick a theme word or phrase to be be your North Star when making decisions.

The theme guides you back to your true priorities.

For example, my focus for 2014 was “I’m Ready.” Anytime I had to make a big decision, I’d remind myself that I’m ready. That helped me launch new courses and build a new website, all before I felt I was truly prepared (truthfully, I was never going to feel 100% ready).

My 2016 theme was Surrender and I could write a novel about the ways I’ve leaned away from fighting and ‘making things happen’ and into instead making them welcome.

I had an amazing unassisted home birth where I surrendered more than ever before. And I doubled my business while working way less by getting more support.

In 2019 I wanted to learn to “be out of control and love it!” This led to releasing a lot of limiting beliefs about what I had to do in order to feel safe and led our family of 5 to move to Puerto Rico and enjoy the unknown.

It’s amazing how just a simple phrase can help us focus on our priorities and wake up divine forces to manifest our intentions!

8. Share. Amplify. Multiply.

It’s not enough to just do this ceremony quietly on your own and not tell a soul. That’s playing small and effectively telling the powers that create worlds that you don’t want any assistance or support.

It might feel vulnerable to share your reflections and celebrations from 2019 and your big goals and theme for 2020 with others… but if you can’t even own it with a few people, how are you going to feel actually living it?

The reason I created the Live Ceremony (learn more here) is so that you can have a safe space to do this process together with others. This will amplify your vision, simplify your action plan and multiply your results.

If you do end up doing the ceremony on your own, I recommend sharing with a couple of friends your wins and lessons from 2019 and your theme for 2020.

When two or more minds align with a vision, the power of that idea becomes greater than the sum of the individual parts.

So share with (supportive) others what you want to develop and manifest in your life in the next 12 months. 

You will be amazed at how much more enjoyable and effortless the journey to your destination becomes when you are walking it with others. 


I hope you’ll do the New Year Ceremony before year-end as a gift to yourself! 

Please let me know in the comments if you plan on doing this Ceremony and if you have any other favorite ways to wrap up the year.

And please share this post and workbook with friends so they can also create a clear and epic new reality in 2020! 

Hope to see many of you at the Live New Year’s Ceremony!

Wishing you a Happy New Year and an epic 2020!!!