Years ago, I said this to my boyfriend in a fit of fury:

“If you love me, then why don’t your actions reflect it? You say that you want to be together and have a family, but you haven’t proposed and don’t seem interested in making joint decisions in life together. I don’t think you really love me. Or maybe you’ll never be ready for commitment.”

I so badly wanted someone to show me that I was worthy of unconditional love.  I wanted men to prove to me that I was not broken and unwanted.

But the truth is: no matter how hard any of them tried, they couldn’t give me what I was seeking.

No amount of flowers, romantic getaways, proclamations of eternal love and post-coital embraces could prove to me that I am lovable, worthy and whole.

When I recognized this pattern of looking for love in all the wrong places, I was horrified at how deeply this wounded and dissatisfying self-view ran through generations of my family.

And I could not stand the thought of passing it down to my future children.

There was only one choice: find self-love or give up on love forever.

I Marry Me.

I Marry Me.

The Ceremony

I read many books, attended various self-help seminars and practiced yoga and meditation – they all helped bring new perspectives on how to love and nurture myself.

However, there was one defining day when my self-love affair became a committed union.

On a sunny Sunday in 2007, I walked into a morning service at Agape International Center a single woman.  And I walked out a married one.

That day, the brilliant Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith took each participant through a ceremony of marrying our Highest Selves.

He invited us to recognize a primary relationship that all other relationships are built upon.  If we don’t commit to walking hand-in-hand with our Source Self, then we have nothing to give to others.

If we don’t marry Sprit, then we will never find what we are looking for in any human union.

The wisdom and poignancy of his words pierced to the very core of me.  I had one of those AHA moments that shook me to at all levels. And awakened me to a new paradigm.

I no longer felt the desire to base my life on finding “the one” to settle and have a family with.  Because I have already found ‘him’ – and it’s me.

Rev. Michael asked us to take our own hands and repeat: “I, Lana, take you, My Highest Self, to be my partner. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad… I will love you and honor you all the days of my life….”

The day I married myself in that center transformed the rest of my life forever.

And the best part: This union is something I can count on lasting forever.

While relationships with others wax and wane, my matrimony to my God-self is ever-present.  My partner in this union cannot and will not leave me or come into separation of any sort.

This is the marriage I’ve always wanted.

The Ring

After I walked out of that service, I marched straight to the book store at the center and asked them to show me their jewelry case.

I selected three rings that called to me, laid them out on the counter, closed my eyes and glided my right hand over them, feeling for heat and tingles.

I didn’t look at the cost.  I didn’t choose the prettiest one.  I let my Inner Wisdom choose the perfect one for me.

When I opened my eyes to see which one I selected, chills washed over me.

It was a simple solid silver band with the word “Gratitude” engraved on the outer rim.  It was the perfect wedding band.

Gratitude is the language of love.  

Gratitude Ring_Lana Shlafer

My first wedding ring.

I put it on my left-hand ring finger and didn’t take it off until 2 years later, when my now-husband replaced it with an engagement ring.

That band served as a daily reminder of my unwavering commitment to following my truth.  To living my life in alignment with my soul.

I was married to my Highest Self, to all that is good and powerful in me, the true me.  I knew that this was a union that will always be my primary marriage.

The Wedding Party

The only thing that was left was to throw myself a lovely dinner party celebrating my wedding!

I invited a few close friends for dinner, including my now-husband.  They all knew the reason for gathering and got in the spirit of the celebration by bringing gifts and cards!

We laughed and cried and spoke poetic words of eternal love.

And this time I believed it.

I felt like I had finally found what I have been looking for: a partner in life that I could always count on, someone who always had my best interest in mind and loves me unconditionally.

I had arrived!  I married a keeper!  And this partner has been under my nose all along.  Literally.

This is a fairy tale that I can whole-heartedly recommend reading to little girls.

No princes to save us.  No needing to be perfect.  Remembering that we are already wanted.  Already loved.  Already celebrated and appreciated in a way that no man (or woman) could ever do.

Because when you marry your Highest Self and live with the knowing that Spirit is your partner – you will stop looking for happiness and love outside of yourself.

Instead, you will find relationships that are based on spreading the joy and adoration that you already feel inside.

So this Valentine’s Day, whether you are in a committed relationship or not, celebrate the union between you and You.

Buy yourself flowers, go out to dinner with loved ones, write love notes to yourself, put on your best lingerie and please yourself – in other words, treat yourself the way you’d want your perfect mate to treat you.

And get ready to experience the magical ways that your self-love celebration will reverberate through your world and up-level and enrich all of your relationships.

I know it has for me.

I married the man of my dreams in a sacred ceremony in Sedona in 2011.  It was officiated by a shaman and witnessed by the powerful energy of Red Rock.

During the ceremony, my promise to him was to share the love I harvest in my primary relationship with my Higher Self.  And he promised the same.

And even though I now wear my gorgeous vintage engagement ring (we’re not wedding band type of people), the energy and essence of my gratitude ring is still embodied in my ring finger.

It forever reminds me of THE union that is at the foundation for all of my other relationships.

I chose self-love and I’ve never looked back.

And now if you ask my children “Who loves you the most?”, they will instantly reply: “Myself.”  

And that makes me damn proud.

